CirroStratus is a hack and slash dungeon crawler based off the original Gauntlet game and was created as part of the Game Engine Architecture module during my second year on the UWE Games technology course. The game itself was part of a group project and was made with C++ using DirectX. Further development on the game after the orignal university deadline lead to the game being selected to represent the university at Develop: Brighton 2015 where it was showcased to other members of the game developer community.
The project consists of the main game component as well as a built-in level editor that uses the external AntTweakBar libary which can be switched between without leaving the application. The main game component features:
- Local 4 player support
- Multiple characters with unique abilities
- Twin stick shooter controls
- Pickups
- Parameterised enemy behavior
- All level and player data loaded from files
The level editor is capable of:
- Saving new levels to files
- Level testing
- Character creation
- Placement of tiles (walls, floor and lights)
- Placement of paraterisable enemy spawners
- Placement of gameplay objects (start, finish, pickups and teleporter